If you’ve gotten this far and like the idea, please; make noise. Make a lot of noise.

If you are the kind of person that e-mails, e-mail your friends and ask them to look and see what they think of the idea. If they think it’s a good idea, ask that they e-mail their friends. If you like to write to the newspapers or your government officials, write and ask them to look at a new idea, Ballistic liability Insurance.

Tell them, that within the Ballistic Identification System, no one is trying to limit the amount of ammunition that anyone can own, or where they keep it.

Tell them, that unless a bullet is found at crime scene, all Ballistic Liability Insurance policy information should and must be as kept as privileged as the Constitution will allow.

Tell them, that unless somebody does something stupid, the number of weapons owned and the amount of ammunition accumulated is protected by the Second Amendment. The only difference is that under the BIN system the ammunition must be covered by a BLI policy.

Insist that BLI policy rates must be kept to a minimum. There is a very strong argument for this.

Americans love their cars as much as they love their guns.

Driving is extremely dangerous.

There are a half million auto accidents a day. Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year. Another 20-50 million are injured or disabled. That’s an average of 3,287 deaths and 82,000 serious injuries a day. Every day. Yet, insurance rates for drivers with a clean driving record are relatively low.

Today there are 50 million more guns in America than there are motor vehicles. More than 100 million households report having one or more weapons.

While every shooting is a tragedy, if the number of weapons in circulation, 300+ million and the number of motor vehicles on the road 255 million, are compared with; the number of auto accidents a day, 500,000 and the number of shootings per day, 300; it’s easy to see that the risk to the insurer is very small.

The insured base will be wide enough, and the risk low enough, to keep BLI policy rates minimal.

BLI policy rates will be based on criteria similar to that used of other forms of insurance, not on the amount of ammunition covered. All risks equal; the individual that purchases a single box of bullets per year will pay the same rate as the survivalist.

Once again, there it is. It’s just an idea. If you, the reader, have an idea please share it. The contact page is only a click away.

To take an idea and turn it into reality is going to take a lot of help. If you would like to help, please offer.

The ballistic identification number is no longer an idea. Prototypes have been produced and live fire tests are planned to demonstrate the BIN numbers survivability and value as a forensic tool. Forensic science has been ready for an advance like this for decades.

The third leg of the stool, personal responsibility in the form of Ballistic Liability Insurance, is still an idea, and ideas are as fragile as soap bubbles. They either take to the wind and soar, or they pop.

What keeps ideas afloat is noise. The more noise, ​the higher and further ideas fly.


There it is. The Ballistic Identification Number System.

Two of the three legs of the Ballistic Identification Number System are already in existence.

​A Giant Step Forward In Forensic Science