Ballistic Liability Insurance would be underwritten by the same companies that now underwrite motor vehicle insurance. The States would set the minimum limits as they do with other insurance minimums. As an example, the States may set one hundred fifty thousand dollars per victim, ​not per incident as the minimum policy.

Ballistic Liability Insurance would be added as a rider to a business, home or auto policy and proof of ballistic liability  insurance would be in a scannable form. The Ballistic Liability policy information is entered into the "right" or ballistic liability side of the BIN system database.

Within the BIN system all bullets are subject to ballistic liability insurance. From the moment a bullet is mated with powder and casing it is capable of causing great bodily harm and must be insured. At the point of manufacture, they are under the policy of the factory. As the shipments move through the pipeline to retail outlets the BIN numbers will transfer to whatever entity is in possession at the time.

Because only a very small number of the ten billion bullets produced in America every year end up at a crime scene, ballistic liability rates would be based on risk not on the number of bullets in possession. If an individual possesses the minimum BLI policy for that State, it is a blanket policy for as many rounds as an individual may wish to possess.

Ballistic liability Insurance rates would be based on risk the same way motor vehicle rates are. An individual that is an indoor competitive marksman and is a member of a shooting club and never hunts might pay a lesser rate than a deer hunter who shoots in the woods. The individual that gets drunk every weekend and has a history of violence or inappropriate gun use will still be able to get insurance but his premiums would be higher than the previous two examples.

In 2014 there were 123.2 million households and 300 million guns in America. One in three households, or 41 million, reported that there was a firearm in the home. Because of the vast number of gun owners in the United States the insured base will be wide enough and deep enough to make rates minimal for the vast majority.

In full appreciation of the Second Amendment, no one will be denied Ballistic Liability Insurance unless the courts or other entity forbids these individuals the right to possess a firearm.

Because of the potential for property damage, bodily injury, or death that a bullet can cause, insurance covering the liability aspects, property damage and bodily injury, can now be made mandatory.

The cost of being the victim of a gunshot can be astronomic.

The average cost of medical treatment for each hospitalization is around $76,000. This does not cover emergency room costs, which is different than hospital charges or emergency transportation to the trauma center, or a lifetime of follow up treatment. If the injuries are catastrophic, as they were in the shootings of President Ragan’s assistant James Brady, or Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, lifetime expenses can exceed a million dollars.

Ballistic Liability Insurance

The Ballistic Identification Number system allows the creation of Ballistic Liability Insurance, or BLI.

​A Giant Step Forward In Forensic Science